October 16, 2008
Daryle Broadsword, Malcolm McCord, David Miles, Tony Palermini, Shelley Redinger, Dick Strathern, Paul Warr-King
Technology layout is key-
Campus needs to be completely wireless
Campus needs to be up to date/cutting edge
Students will stay longer perform better
Campus has poor first appearance
30 plus years of no cosmetic work
Gloomy place
Failure of bonds at fault
Confusing campus access
Exits were closed
Had to go around back to find access
What is back there
Early Children Education building almost condemned
Satellite locations are not well known or utilized in community
Maywood is not well known by community
High Schools at night have not been options in the past few years as were utilized in the early days of the campus
Sandy would love to partner with Mt. Hood this way
Cal Center/Bruning not widely utilized at night
Could utilize Gresham City Hall
Key of the above two spaces is the proximity to MAX
Clackamas Community College is a very welcoming place by comparison/a place people from with in this group have had their own children and friends of their children go
Perception of “No place for our students to go”
Need to have 4 year degree programs on our facilities- two members of our group unaware that we have EOU programs on our campus
Need to work with PSU
Provide more options than business/education
Seek more seamless opportunities and offerings
Need new technology on campus
Need to change perceptions of old fashioned place
Cash registers in the dining hall appear old and dated
Make sure all instructional equipment is quality and up to date
SmartBoards in classrooms
Multimedia in each classroom
Solar technology needed
Partner with high tech industries in Hillsboro, Salem, Troutdale
Need to be seeking partners to help develop campus and attract new venture capitol
Alternative energy resources need to be developed
Natural Resources and Sustainability need to be a priority
Partner with the Forest Service
We are a growing area have a key linkage with our Hospitality and Tourism Program degree options
Concerns about our infrastructure
Fire in the boiler/chiller two summers ago and not able to repair it due to old technology-limping along with only one left
creates comfort levels for students
Poor working conditions and potential reduced productivity
Need to be exploring options of facilities/resource
Back 40 Acres-
Is it still ours
What level of development
Educational space
Partnerships need to be developed
Swimming pool for potential community outreach
Rockwood kids who need activities
Gresham City Sports Park tournaments that give added value events
Appearance issues-noticed lots of ‘old chewing gum’ on the way in 50 pieces
Need to have daily maintenance
Lack of staff to provide for the large facilities
Poor motivation of staff????
Overworked staff
Not enough staff
Improve site lines for safety on grounds-40 years of landscape growth time to redo the facilities and grounds
Foundation see donor for new buildings/partnerships- use other Community colleges to see who has had success and the models that they use as to how it can be done more effectively
Partner with other facilities to leverage new educational programs-
McMenamins for a brewing program
Miles fiberglass works with Clackamas Community college to develop employees
Transportation partnerships to help facilitate educational opportunities
Kids for various athletic programs/activities in arts drama music with 1st Student bus organization
Free shuttles form each campus
Make sure Drama, Art facilities utilized and are state of the Art
Upgrade Band equipment
Improve lighting on all campuses for safety at night, Gresham, Bruning, Maywood
Use facilities as a learning lab for National Foundations to Transform MHCC into state of the art Green Facilities
Develop master plan with outside consultant to look at Entire Campuses to check for maximization of existing facilities and potential redesign and change in utilization of space for maximum efficiency
Gresham campus Main Mall area in front of the bookstore covered
Develop a customer center for service
Mascot of campus needs to have association and recognition with the facilities
Students need facilities that provide essential needs
Comfortable study space
Convenient study space
Well light
Food and beverages that are healthy, affordable, and convenient
Need to seek out businesses that are evolving
Nano technology
Health care
Provide facility opportunities for high school partners for these growing interest
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